Monday, March 29, 2010

slow going, I know...

So its been a month since my last post. Sorry, its been hard to get up the motivation to sit down and write while I was in the simulator. Good news is that they're going to let me fly and I leave on the 4th to head out on my first round the world trip. Never really thought I would do a trip like that, much less from the cockpit, but its starting to sink in, and I'm getting excited! I'll have a "split" line in April, meaning I fly a week, have a week off, and then another week on (and another round the world trip). That's not a normal schedule, as most are 16 on 14 off.

Since finishing last wednesday I've had a few days off and have had some fun around town here in Denver waiting for the snow to melt and the biking trails to dry out. Debbie got back on Friday and we've had 2 birthday parties and a concert this weekend. The rest of the week I'll be doing all the things I've put off for the last two months (taxes), getting ready to go out on the trip, and some much needed biking!

I'll definitely try to update a lot from the road, as that's the main reason I started this, so hopefully I'll have some cool pictures soon. Until then, be well...

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on completion of Sims, Jeff, and bon voyage on your round-the-world trip!
